Being Free

Smile! You’re at the best site ever for Being Free!

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Fierce Grace

This is an important movie, and the full movie is shown here.  Ram Dass leads one to contemplate aging. Ram Dass wrote the best seller BE HERE NOW.

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What’s Next for Seniors

English: This hand-colored print shows a man a...

English: This hand-colored print shows a man aging every decade from infancy to 100 years-old. Verses at the bottom accompany the drawings at each stage of life. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Retirement (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Coaching for Elders in transition and for Care Givers

We don’t know how long we will live, but the capacity for change is a vital resilience skill. As we age, new opportunities open for us and new challenges may confront us. The continuance of your life’s contribution should not end with career retirement, personal mobility issues, or the achievement of a specific age. In this specific time of your life’s journey, let us help you or someone you love, honor themselves, celebrate their depth of wisdom, and continue to reach the full dimension of the gifts yet to be given.

Coaching can assist you with your next life choices to “strategically age”, reconnecting core values that truly are your guiding principles, while discarding those that make you non-congruent with your internal gifts. Strategic aging is conscious living, the transition to living in synchronization with your core beliefs and the choices you have yet to make. Our coaching will help you end the cycle of ‘I should have’ or ‘why don’t I’? Together, we will address these areas, creating your ‘strategic aging’ life:

  • Clarify the issues & opportunities facing you now
  • Define a true description of your final outcome & the time period for fulfillment
  • Identify competent resources you may need for complete fulfillment
  • Honor those values that are still guiding principles and shed those that do not serve you
  • Acknowledge your flexibility along the road to your final achievement
  • With our assistance in your transition, you can design your ‘strategic age life’ without guilt.
What’s Next? Continuing Life’s Journey…

All of us have progressed on our journey, having families, pursuing academic or professional success, becoming political advocates, assuming social responsibility; and, assuring environmental safety for future generations. Along this journey your outlook may have shifted or radically changes from those you held in family conventions or acquired by association. So what’s next?

The continuance of your life’s contribution should not end with career or military retirement, end of child rearing, personal mobility issues, or the achievement of a specific age. We invite you to realize your ‘what’s next’ with us.

  • How will this resolution (promise) bring meaningful change to my life?
  • Are there external resources you will need to help achieve this objective?
  • If others are involved, what competency or skills do they need to help you?
  • Is the time frame you’ve established truly reasonable for your lifestyle?
  • What are your fallback plans in the event your pursuit does not proceed exactly as planned?
  • If this resolution is a larger community movement, are you certain you have the staying power for efforts this significant?
Services & Benefits – Transforming Dreams into Achievements

… Coaching provides services for the entire aging process, arriving to mid-life, returning to the job market, defining second careers, assisting Elders in transition, coaching family members, and residence staff to be loving Care Givers. The benefits of coaching transform dreams of any life chapter into real achievements you can be proud to live with. Many people have used our coaching to explore and achieve results in the following areas:

  • Too Young to Retire-Defining the Next Chapter of your Life
  • Exploring Your Next Career Choice
  • Endorsing the Third Age & Sage-ism
  • Contributing in Civic Engagement-The Sage Mentor
  • Assisting the Care Giver-What do I do now?
  • Residence Staff-Tapping Core Values for Resident Satisfaction & Care
  • Gracious transition to Independent Communities
  • Renewing Elder Contribution in Assisted Living

“The greatest good we can do for others is not to share our riches, but to reveal theirs.” – Gil Atkinson

Home Living Transitions – Continue the Celebration of Your Life

Each of us has created our homes with loving care. This home represents the unique identity of our life’s achievements, community contributions; and, can contain smiling photos of our family’s legacy. The transition to independent or assisted living communities can be overwhelming. We understand the process of activities involved can cause confusion and fear: what to take, what to leave, what to give to relatives, do you keep your own doctors, what activities will you continue or delete, how will you make new friends; along with, creating the identity of your unique life’s contributions. We believe that the transition from a home of 50 or more years should be a continuing celebration of your life. …develope a transition program assisting the Elder and their family in taking the appropriate steps to create and celebrate a new home.

The Care Giver Family—-Are you asking?

    • Are you practicing loving behavior to yourself as well as your Elder?
    • Does your weekly schedule include private time to reconnect to the ‘cosmos’ strengthening your spiritual harmony?
    • In your domain of responsibility, who is going to be responsible for your well being?

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Think on These Things?

You Don’t Have to Believe Your Thoughts


Are you? ….. “an expert at making myself miserable by taking a neutral thought, turning it into a stressful one, and then spinning that stressful thought into an even more stressful story—one with little or no basis in reality.

….. this is…  “storytelling dukkha” (dukkha)  (the word that the Buddha used to describe suffering, stress, ,,,and just plain unhappiness).”

“… are two neutral, fact-based thoughts:”

“A friend is coming over today.”

“I have an appointment with a new doctor next week.”

“Each of these thoughts states a fact, free of emotional content. But then, driven by worry and anxiety over; … health, …. turn them into stressful thoughts:

“My friend’s visit won’t go well.”

“The doctor’s appointment will be a disaster.”…….then to go on with the storytelling…

“My friend will stay much longer than I’m able to visit, but I won’t have the nerve or the discipline to tell her I need to lie down. Then it will take me days to recover and I’ll be mad at myself for not speaking up.”

“The doctor won’t believe how sick I am. He might even think it’s all in my head. And even if he does believe me, he won’t want the hassle of having to deal with a complex case with no easy fix.”

“As Buddhist teachers like to say, the suffering is in the stories.”‘

“Byron Katie discovered a system to stop the suffering. 

……..At the outset, it helps to recognize that the mind is going to think what it’s going to think. Trying to control the thoughts that pop into your mind is a fruitless endeavor. What matters to your well-being is not which thoughts arise but how you respond to them. If you can learn to respond skillfully, you’re much more likely to keep a stressful thought from turning into a full-blown stressful story.”

“Here are Byron Katie’s four questions—questions to ask yourself when you recognize that you’re caught in the net of a stressful thought:

1. Is the thought true?

2. Am I absolutely sure that it’s true?                                                                                               Byron Katie

3. How do I feel when I think the thought?

4. Who would I be without the thought?”

“Before addressing Byron Katie’s fifth step—the turnaround—”…”apply her four questions to the two stressful thoughts ….”

 …..”It’s such a relief to know that I don’t have to believe my thoughts!”

© 2013 Toni Bernhard


To read more about Katie Byron’s work, and Toni’s use of it, including the turnaround fifth step,  please go here:




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Global Oneness

Oneness Declaration – The Text

I declare:

1.    That the message We Are All One, inter-related, inter-connected and inter-dependent, with God/Life/One-another, is the one spiritual message that the world has been waiting for to bring about loving and sustainable answers to humanity’s challenges.

2.    That the world does not have to be the way it is – and that individual people can change it, using the power of spiritual citizenship.

3.    That humanity is good and has unlimited potential, and that social transformation starts with personal transformation. I therefore recognize the importance of connecting with my divine essence and inner wisdom throughout my life’s journey; allowing the finest and the highest levels of human potential to flourish for the benefit of all.

4.    Our aspirations support spiritual principles, global ethics, and universal values such as respect, justice, peace, dignity, freedom, responsibility and cooperation, that underlie this declaration.

5.    That human beings need each other to survive on this planet. I recognize that we are all in this together and that community flourishes as we learn about each other and revel in the wonder and beauty of our diversities. I declare that I am playing my part to help to bring about a culture in which we, the peoples of the world, can address our common global concerns in an holistic, positive and transforming way and live together in peace with one another.

6.    That Oneness contains All of life – also the parts that we regard as the “other”. I realize that wholeness and togetherness can only be experienced through the recognition of the uniqueness, beauty and purpose of all aspects of life, and that this recognition starts with my Self.

7.    That I am part of the emerging consciousness that promotes a spirit of openness, enquiry, connection and relationship with myself and the entire universe, and who continues to recognize the wonder, beauty and mystery of it all.

8.    That the time for change is now.

9.    That it is important to formally establish a day each year for all of humanity to come together as one human family, to discuss, celebrate, and experience Oneness.

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one·ness  (wnns)


1. The quality or state of being one; singleness or wholeness.
2. Singularity; uniqueness.
3. A state or condition of perfect harmony or accord: “He intuited global truths. He thrilled at his oneness with humanity” (Sally Jacobs).
4. Sameness of character: the disagreeable oneness of roadside landscapes.
5. Unison; agreement: oneness of mind and purpose.

Oneness may refer to:

Divine unity or Oneness of God may refer to:

What is Oneness?

What is this World Changing Phenomenon that is helping people of all faiths and paths move into higher states of consciousness?

There is an amazing world changing Phenomena that is occurring to humanity at this time. Over a hundred million people across the planet are experiencing this Divine Phenomenon known as Deeksha which starts a profound process of spiritual awakening in a person.

Oneness University is the birth place of this Divine Phenomenon that is helping millions of people move into higher states of consciousness.

Oneness offers courses and programs throughout the world to help people from all paths, faiths, and walks of life to grow into the natural state a human being is built to be in, a state that is one with all that is.

Oneness exists to set humanity totally and unconditionally free…

In music

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Conscious Ministry

Tao Te #64 ~ Consciousness

The egg is easier to grasp
than the flying bird
trouble is easier to avoid
when it is on the horizon
One may know the speed of an object
or know its location
the economy must serve the community
which includes the ecology

it is easy to disperse the crowd
while it is small
to handle a problem
before it is too far along

a single strand is easily broken
joined with others it becomes a cord
which can bind a single brittle shaft
to another and provide the lictor
with his fasces
just as the fractured family
filled with angry sisters & brothers
can join with one another
to become an unbreakable team
appearances are only what they seem

The Pōhutukawa grows beyond
the grasp of anyone
but it begins as a tiny shoot
till nourished by the sun
the rose and yellow blooms
remind us we are one
thus we touch the tree of life
when our lives are done

even the tallest skyscrapers
must have a foundation
even if they are rooted in the bedrock
work begins with a single shovel
Just as the journey
to the top of the mountain
starts with a single step

A master understands the wisdom
of restraint
appreciates the beauty of nature
teaches the people to refrain.

mining spoils the mountains
bottom trawls and longlines
destroy our sacred oceans
conscious ministry
means to value the ecosystems
not to exploit, not to abuse
Correct action is not found in exploitation
lasting development
is not found through destruction

Do not grab for diamonds
they are only stones
whose value is in false rarity
they come to your fingers
over a pile of broken bones
paid for by the blood of another’s family

Conscious ministry is found in valuing life
learn what others neglect
so that in their darkness
you can be be a light
and lift them up to success

When you begin a project
have the end in mind
hold to the schedule
complete things on time

Conscious Ministry means
to abandon domination
to let go of exploitation
to progress to compassion
through partnership
with each other
with the Divine
with our Sacred Earth

Conscious Ministry
manifests real prosperity
helps the people to see the way

focus on the truth
teach compassion
demonstrate Divine Unity
this is the way

This is Conscious Ministry